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HCB Battery Co., Ltd.
HCB Battery Co., Ltd.

'Build A Hard Place, Be As Solid As A Rock When Fighting'

On September 23, the unveiling ceremony of the first expert scientific and technological innovation workstation in Dongxihu District awarded by Wuhan Science and Technology Association was held at Haocheng Lithium Battery Factory. There are 20 licensed enterprises in Wuhan City, and only 1 in Dongxihu District. You Qingliang, Vice Chairman of Wuhan Association for Science and Technology, Dai Xiaochun, Chairman of Dongxihu District Association for Science and Technology, and Yu Li, Chairman of Wuhan Haocheng Lithium Battery Technology Co., Ltd. attended the ceremony and unveiled the workstation.

The present at the ceremony were Gong Xiucheng, director of the enterprise business department of Wuhan Association for Science & Technology Enterprises and Institutes Department, Zhang Dongqi, section chief, Huang Wenli, vice chairman of Dongxihu Science and Technology Association, Li Lanxian, vice chairman, Meng Yanfang, section chief, and Wang Xiaohua, deputy director of Dongxihu Science and Economic Bureau, Section Chief Liu Kang, Wuhan Haocheng Lithium Battery General Manager Ruan Honglin, Executive Deputy General Manager Zhang Xuan, Dr. Zhang Yuhong, etc.

On behalf of the company, the host introduced the company's development history, main product series, and typical cases to the leaders. The meeting listened to the preparation work report of the Haocheng Science and Technology Association, reviewed the articles of association of Wuhan Haocheng Lithium Battery Science and Technology Association and the draft election method for the first congress, and elected the first leadership team of the Haocheng Lithium Battery Science and Technology Association on the spot. Chairman You of Wuhan Association for Science and Technology and Chairman Dai of Dongxihu District Association for Science and Technology awarded Haocheng lithium battery expert science and technology innovation workstations.

In his speech, Yu Li, the first chairman of Haocheng Lithium Battery Expert Science and Innovation Workstation, first expressed his gratitude to all the leaders of the Municipal Science and Technology Association and District Science and Technology Association for visiting Haocheng to award the enterprise science and technology station during their busy schedule. He said: "The corporate mission of Haocheng Lithium Battery is to let the world see China through HCB. As a manufacturing enterprise, he hopes to let the world see China and see the quality of China through HCB products and services. Be a good worker and make a good product. In the future, I hope that all leaders will show more care and guidance to Haocheng Lithium Battery. We will also make full use of this platform to make our work solid and do a good job." Yu Dongxiang is present here. The leader introduced Haocheng's "Steadfast and Sincere Practice" activity. He said: "Steadfast and Sincere" emphasizes that there is no opportunistic intention. "Steadfast" means doing it step by step, and "Sincere" means doing it honestly. Require everyone to be able to do more things, do practical things, and accomplish things!"

Chairman You, the vice chairman of Wuhan Association for Science and Technology, delivered a speech. First, on behalf of the Wuhan Association for Science and Technology, he congratulated the establishment of the Haocheng Expert Science and Technology Innovation Workstation, and then he said: “It is a real competition for Haocheng to receive this award". He said that the establishment of the company's corporate science and technology association signifies that the company attaches great importance to the organization of science and technology associations and scientific and technological workers, that the company's scientific and technological innovation capabilities will be further enhanced, and that the company's technological research capabilities will reach a new level. The knowledgeable Chairman You very much agrees with the practice of Zhuocheng proposed by the chairman, and shared with you another famous saying of Zeng Wenzheng, "Take a hard time, fight in a daze", and believes that it is similar to Zhuocheng's practice. He emphasized that the Municipal Association for Science and Technology will adhere to the "four service" functions and the requirements of "six where" to do a good job in the service work of the enterprise. Scientific and technological progress; second, we must actively carry out science popularization activities to improve the scientific quality of enterprise scientific and technical personnel; third, strengthen humanistic care for scientific and technical personnel, and strive to do practical work for the growth of scientific and technical personnel; fourth, vigorously promote the construction of expert scientific and technological innovation workstations, and improve the core of the enterprise Competitiveness will help enterprises to develop with high quality, and help Wuhan to accelerate the construction of a national science and technology innovation center.

After the licensing ceremony, the leaders, accompanied by the chairman of the board, visited the workshop and production line of Haocheng Lithium Battery and took a group photo.

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